Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Try selling a bottle of vomit! Our kids can do it :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Our student at Rohini Center shares his experience :)

A few months back my life was awful. But then one day I joined this course parichay and it has enormously affected my life. Firstly I used to think that I am a common man as everyone is, I have nothing special in me but it has helped me find out the hidden diamond in myself. I have started liking and respecting myself. It has changed the way I think. I now take things positively. Earlier I used to think that its really hard to get into the IIT ‘s and its just the few brainy people or extraordinary minds that are able to make out there but now I know everything depends on what is your goal and how hard are you working to achieve it. We all have to face failures in our lives in one or the other way but it is only few people who get up again and fight back. We have got one life and we have to make the best out of it so why give up. That’s what Parichay has taught me. Failures are like hurdles in the race to success so its better learn from them. One of the biggest problems in our societies is that we people do not accept changes. And it‘s really important to accept them because everything is changing nothing is constant in our lives. A change in ones life can change his destiny. And the best thing I learned is the topic of Wish list. Its sounds a bit unbelievable but it happens. It’s a fact that writing the things you want, increases its possibility to happen by 70%. And the last thing I would like to share is the fear of speaking in front of the audience. All I can write to summarize this is:-
“Do what you want, Say what you want
Becoz those who mind don’t matter
And those who matter won’t mind”
(Mohak Gupta is a class 10 student at Ryan International School and is currently a participant of Discover Life's center based program called 'Parichay' at Rohini Center)
To know more about Discover Life visit : www.discoverlife.co.in